Options for scrap heating in the converter

Option Sequence of operations
One-stage 1. scrap charging + heating + casting of hot iron;

2. scrap charging + heating + scrap charging + hot metal charging.

Two-stage 1.scrap charging + heating + hot metal charging;

2. scrap charging + heating + scrap charging + heating +scrap charging + hot metal charging.

Three-stage, etc. Scrap charging + heating + scrap charging + heating + scrap charging + heating +scrap charging +hot metal charging.

Types of heating of scrap in the converter

Type of Heating Duration of heating (min) Application
Light 3 – 4 – To prevent explosions and claps

– With standard scrap loading

Traditional 6 – 9 – To prevent explosions and claps

– To increase share of scrap

– With standard scrap loading

Extended over 9 – Additional increase of share of scrap

– To provide production during shortage of hot metal.